Contrary to what we have been told, the Maginot Line functioned perfectly and did everything that was expected of it
After the war, the Maginot Line wrongly became the ideal scapegoat or the greatest military and political disaster ever suffered by France.
France needed to make up for a shortage of manpower resulting from the slaughter of World War I, and these fortifications allowed the country to use its armed forces economically and to gain time against the enemy. Thus, in 1939, France was able to mobilize and deploy her troops, protected by the Maginot Line fortifications. More over, in 1940, France was the only country that was not victim of a surprise attack. Violating Belgian neutrality, the adversary took the route that the French High Command had chosen.
馬克•阿爾特(Marc Halter),法國人,一位教師,也是一位哲學和曆史學的發燒友。其祖父尼古拉斯(Nicolas)曾參與修建霍赫瓦爾特要塞,父艾米勒(Emile)在戰時曾是高更堡工事中的一名軍官,馬克與馬其諾防線可謂前緣已定,目前總責阿格諾要塞區馬其諾防線退伍軍人聯誼會,兼任阿爾薩斯地區馬其諾防線之友協會主席。馬克致力于發掘歷史真相、恢複防線退伍軍人名譽,為此發表有多篇文章及論文,也是本書的文字作者。
布里安•B•秦(Brian B.Chin),美國人。自加州大學歷史系畢業后,長期在好萊塢從事電影特效制作,還是一位有名的動畫片畫家和編劇,繪有很多漫畫作品集。布里安酷愛二十世紀軍事史,為此也喜歡制作縮微模型和立體實景模型,作品中尤以舊金山軍事博物館模型最為知名。這本書是布里安專業學識和精湛畫技的璧合。